At the west-side end, we have the usual array of boxes, bags, and other items to open and sort. Things are made much worse by the quantity of YARN. So we set up a big table in the shop with a huge pile (HUGE) of odd lots of yarn that I will not live long enough to use. At some point (I need to get some energy back), I'll tag each item separately and put it in a real stash area in the basement; but, for now, it's 2.50 an ounce. I will bring more in today.
On the academic side: LOOK AT THIS! It's in copy-editing stage now -- I have got through chapter 2, on to chapter 3-8 on Monday through Wednesday or so. What a cool outcome. Look at the fierce women on the cover -- they have KNIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the roof of a salmon factory.