Sunday, March 25, 2012


Isn't that a line from Alice in Wonderland?  Larry and I went to Bowling Green, Ohio, to walk through the Black Swamp Spinning Guild's Annual Fiber Event -- and I will have much to say, once I get the house cleaned up (there are two groups coming through tomorrow and Tuesday to view the place -- I'm trying to sell it again) and myself a bit more rested and the photographs downloaded, ready to organize and show off.  It was a wonderful drive -- I have a kind of kindredness with certain rural landscapes that dates to childhood years spent on the plains of South Dakota and Minnesota, where tornados actually happen, where the skies are wider than you can imagine, where weather systems don't change for days and can be predicted accurately, where trees don't always grow and so cannot stop the wind.  I am always soothed a bit in some pretty primal ways when I get into a car and drive into flat, actively farmed midwestern states.  I will say more when I have pictures.   svb

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