Friday, May 18, 2012

Off to Greenville, But Also Minnesota Photos....

Tomorrow, Larry is driving off to Greenville, Michigan, to cruise the Minnesota Fiber Fiesta.  I will hunker down at the studio with the wonderful Ellen Taylor and try to help our clients.  But before leaving, Larry kindly downloaded a huge batch of photographs from the recent visit to Minnesota, where we not only attended the Minnesota Shepherd's Harvest Fesitval in lake Elmo, which is near Stillwater (the state's oldest town, on the gorgeous St Croix River), but also got to see my cool niece Natalie, as WELL AS my other adorable niece, Erin -- one from each of the brothers.  Wasn't it thoughtful of them to provide such beautiful people so that I can visit and admire them?  They're both teachers.  They're both gorgeous, incredibly NICE, and smart smart smart.  What more could we want in the world?  The first photo is Erin, the second Natalie.  Larry said (are you noticing, Erin?) that Erin doesn't realize how drop-dead sexy she is.  He also thinks that Nat looks like me at a much younger age -- a remark, it seems to me, that he should revise, given the unavoidable fact that he's only known me as an OLD person.  The handsome brute is David, married to Natalie:

I don't think that the blogspot site will let me post everything in one entry.  Too many photographs.  So let me share some good jokes in this one and then I'll deposit the Shepherd's Harvest photos in a second entry.   You KNOW that we haunt antique shops in search of old jewelry and buttons.  Well.  Here is THE single most hilarious object I've ever seen.  Yes, it's an old mixer.  And, yes, it's now a LAMP:

 Pause for effect [I hear raucous laughter throughout the world.....].  It's marked $ 115.00.

And then there was the singing kitty-cat, with friends:

....and the kinds of things that Minnesotans think you should pay good money for at festivals -- don't miss the fried walleye chunks.  At the Minnesota State Fair, they put BUTTER in batter and French fry it.

Now, let's move to another entry and see if I can show you some shots from the festival itself.


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